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1 year ago — February 13, 2024 4:09 PM

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You really have to wonder who is running the shambolic show at the Biden White House, on the 12 of February his personal X account posted this tweet of the Dark Brandon Meme complete with the laser eyes. I myself am wondering this is his power face when he communicates with all of the dead voters across the country, urging them to be ridden with Biden,

But more probably, and I am hoping that it is, is that his account is speaking to A certain segment of the right wing ecosystem that supposedly, … as the controlled media hyped up, convinced themselves that the Superbowl was a battle between Jesus (49ers) and Soros (chiefs). The chiefs won, so the president of the united states is insinuating he rigged the Superbowl, playing into the “Dark Brandon” joke that is really a meta joke where one talks about Joe Biden like Q-anon people talk about Trump.
But let us be serious, there is no way that Joe Biden even knows how to use Twitter. Or how memes work.
But this is presidential politics in 2024.

Either way the level of political kabuki theatre in the United States have descended to levels, that I dare say look totally unrecoverable.
