New Video Out Now: Mothballed Stewart's Return Explained
10 months ago — January 30, 2024 3:55 PM
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Jon Stewart the celebrated Late Night Funny TV joke man has announced that he will be returning to the Daily Show as executive producer until 2025 and host on Monday nights from February until November’s election.
Showtime CEO Chris McCarthy stated that: “In our age of staggering hypocrisy and performative politics, Jon is the perfect person to puncture the empty rhetoric and provide much-needed clarity with his brilliant wit.”
While Stewart along with some of his Funny Late Night TV Jokemen colleges do possess wit, clarity to puncture empty rhetoric has never been on the menu nor will it be in this election cycle. His role is clear.
His return also suggests that those who own the legacy Media are very nervous about their loss of control of the narrative and thus their need to bring back a man that McCarthy insisted would “help us all make sense of the insanity and division roiling the country as we enter the election season.
Nothing could be further from the truth.